Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Ruknan Ruknan


The performance of the Directorate General of at the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education and Community Education Ministry of Education and Culture in Jakarta cannot be carried out evenly, with quality, justice and accountability. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical evidence as follows: 1) Direct influence of leadership on performance, 2) Direct influence of managerial skills on performance, 3) Effect of decision making on performance. 4) The direct effect of leadership on decision making, and 5) The direct effect of managerial skills on decision making. This research uses a quantitative approach and a survey method with causal techniques. The research site is located at the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education and Community Education Ministry of Education and Culture in Jakarta. The population in this study is the Civil Servants under the Section Chief within the Directorate of Early Childhood Development, the Directorate of Family Education Development, the Directorate of Equality and Literacy Education and the Directorate of Skinny Training and Training, the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education and Community Education, Ministry Education and culture. With the Slovin formula the study sample was assigned a number and a simple random sample of 127 people was taken. Data analysis was performed by a path test. Based on data analysis the results of this study can be concluded as follows: First, leadership has a direct positive effect on performance. Second, managerial skills have a direct positive effect on performance. Third, decision making has a direct positive effect on performance. Fourth, leadership has a direct positive effect on decision making. Fifth, managerial skills have a direct positive effect on decision making


performance, leadership, skill managerial, decision making


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