Fajri Arif Wibawa, Meyta Pritandhari


The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a situation in which technology plays an important role in all aspects of life. The presence of the industrial revolution era turned the manual system into a fully digital system. The existence of the industrial revolution 4.0, both directly and indirectly, will affect all circles of society. The world of education is of course inseparable from the influence of the industrial revolution 4.0, there are lots of adaptations that must be done with the development of this industry 4.0. Learning that refers to the digitalization era is increasingly being encouraged. However, this also becomes a problem, namely students who have not been able to adapt to the various sophistication of existing applications.Learning using technological literacy must be directed towards useful literacy. Technological literacy is not just using technology for things that are not important. With the existence of technological literacy, it is hoped that students can have technological literacy skills that are more useful in terms of learning.The result of this research is that learning in the industrial revolution era requires adaptation from various parties. Lecturers and students must always learn about the latest technology to support the latest learning. Technological literacy is very important for learning in the era of the Industrial revolution 4.0. The role of technology is to facilitate the learning process by not limiting learning space and time.


literacy, technology, industry 4.0



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