Yudi Sudihartono, Sri Utari


The Widyaiswara Functional Position is a profession that many civil servants are looking for to choose in continuing their bureaucratic career. Civil servants and bureaucratic officials who apply the Ikigai principle will know the reasons for living life and choosing a profession as Widyaiswara. If a Widyaswara has lived a life according to the Ikigai concept, then the choice as a Widyaiswara is a profession that deserves to be lived and makes his life happy. Ikigai will be achieved if there is a balance of the four elements, namely passion, mission, profession and vocation. The method used in this research is quantitative research which is used to facilitate qualitative research. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires using Google Form. From the questionnaire distribution, 32 respondents have been collected, and there are 14 people (43.75%) of the 32 people who work as Widyaiswara in South Sumatra Province who have fulfilled the four elements of the Ikigai concept. The results of the study show that the Widyaiswara profession is a choice that makes life happier according to the Ikigai concept. Widyaiswara who runs the Ikigai principle certainly has the drive and motivation to be more creative and productive in carrying out his duties.


Mission, Passion, Profession, Vocation, Widyaiswara


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