Sukatno Sukatno, Juhri AM


The purpose of this research is to analyze: (1) the influence of academic supervision on work teacher’s ethos, (2) the influence of teacher’s discipline toward work teacher’s ethos, and (3) the influence of academic supervision and teacher’s discipline simultaneously toward teacher’s discipline. The population of this study is a public vocational high school teacher in East Lampung  totaling 251 with the sample used as much as 71 respondents taken using Slovin formula. The results of the  study as follows: (1) There is a positive and significant influence of academic supervision on the working teacher ethos. This can be explained by the regression equation Ŷ.= 44,449 +.0,567X1. It is known that the influence of academic supervision the working teacher  ethos is 26,6%, (2) There is positive and significant influence of discipline on teacher  working teacher  ethos. This can be explained by the regression equation Ŷ = 54,466 +.0,465X2. It is known that the influence of teacher  discipline of all working  teacher  ethos is 16,6%, and (3) There is positive and significant influence of academic supervision and teacher’s discipline collectively working teacher  ethos of School teacher. This can be explained by the regression equation Ŷ = 26,443 + 0,468 X1 + 0,297X2. It is known that the influence of academic supervision and teacher disicipline competence simultaneously working teacher  ethos is 32,5%. Based on the results of this study indicate that a better  academic supervision and teacher discipline contribution to the  working teacher  ethos.


academic supervision, teacher’s discipline, work teacher ethos


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