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The Student Council in Sukadana Middle School 2 has been around since the school was founded so that the implementation of the management of intra-school student organizations needs to be improved as a strategy step in developing student leadership. The focus of this study are: (1) how is the management implementation of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) of Sukadana 2 Public Middle School, (2) how is the leadership development strategy of students of SMP Negeri 2 Sukadana, and (3) how is the management implementation of the Intra-School Student Organization (Student Council) ) towards the leadership development strategy of students of SMP Negeri 2 Sukadana. The type of research used is qualitative research. The results of the study showed that: (1) The management of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) of Sukadana 2 Public Middle School was realized in the form of OSIS activities which made every effort to encourage students to grow and develop and have students' self-defeating negative influences and from within the school environment, increasing appreciation and appreciation of art, fostering an attitude of nation and state. (2) The student leadership development strategy is carried out with a variety of programs including the Student Leadership Basic Training (LDKS), outbound, comparative studies, working meetings, CUP and SME CIVILITIES ADMINISTRATION PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL events as an effort to implement student leadership attitudes especially the student council administrators . (3) Implementation of management of Intra-School Student Organizations (OSIS) as a strategy in developing student leadership with the role of OSIS as the only organization for students to be able to equip and enhance students' knowledge of leadership attitudes through learning and training.


Implementation; Student Council Management; Student Leadership


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