M Husaini


The rapid development of information technology (IT) supported by inexpensive of infrastructure supply results in tight competition between profit and non-profit organizations. In fact, however, many of them in investment of IT supply meet the failures. Instead of increase the performance, they must be back into the manual system after release the investment. Immature in the development planning of IT and do not exist a strategic planning of information system development of organization which become information system development led to these failures. The planning orientation is incomplete and it is based on the temporary demand or particular function of organization, which it result in disintegration between developed systems. Support of information system development a strategic planning contain rules, actions and management to obtain the vision and mission of organization in the development of integrated information system, is expected to minimize a potential failure. By integrated information system development a strategic planning in PT. Peksi Gunaraharja it expected that the system development will moves in continuously, intended and integrated to create the competitive advantage of organization. The compilation process of integrated information system development strategic planning is started by analysis in organization area, whether in internal or external. The analysis carried out to find out any challenge and related condition to obtain a visison and mission. The analysis is supported by value Chain analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis. The analysis result is used as input in formulation of organizational IS/IT strategy, from the analysis result above, it can know the opportunity, threat and organizational potency to reach competitive advantage based on IT. By identifying critical factors which play an important rule to attain the vision and mission by IT, it can be arranged a related application portofolio to the organization.The contribution of application portofolio which have been formed to attain organizational vision and mission must be studied, subdividing application portofolio pursuant to its contribution to attain organizational vision and mission can make application portofolio development project measured and in harmony with the condition and target of organization. Subdividing application portofolio pursuant to its contribution to organization purposes uses composite matrix tool. Subsequently, to makes the application portofolio development could provides a maximum result, there is must be compiled an organizational application portofolio development priority. The priority arrangement should have to accordance with vision and mission to makes the information system can gives an early valuable result and yield the competitive advantage. Application portofolio development strategy and method required a special attention of organization to make it moves in effective, efficient and optimum. Application portofolio development method in PT. Peksi Gunaraharja suggested to use a spiral model. It is suggested because the system development in research location includes in an unstable requirement. The proposed strategy for integrated information system development in PT. Peksi Gunaraharja is used an in-source development strategy. It is used to complete the previous suggested method. By shortage, it suggested to use a joint-source development strategy with the outside in preliminary development because of not enough resources that owned IT skill.


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