Muhammad Nur, Panessai Sier, Sumarni Sumarni, Muhammad Nasir


A waterfall Sumpangpuli is waterfall is located in RagencyWajo, that has the potential tourism a very potential to be developed.Characteristic of a waterfall this is an arrangement of seven the level of water fall with the height of varying. The goal of the program this is empowering communities in order to maximize that have tourism potential by a waterfall into a reached by going up seven Sumpang Puliecotourism based on community (community based ecotourism). Targeted at in this program were1) the number of visitors causing operating income to increase or arranged so that in accordance with carrying capacity of the environment and sosial-budaya the community 2) a pattern tourist attraction although last year more energy efficient environmentally friendly (the value of the conservation) 3) a pattern tourist attraction although last year friendly the us culture and of local traditional (the value of a means of education and tourist attraction although last year ) 4) help directly the size of the economy order of the local community (economic value) 5) the initial capital required and damage to infrastructure previously was not sharp (the value of the participation of the community and economics as well as). The result of this program is a) making pointer direction toward place of tourism a waterfall seven level sumpang puli village awo kecamatan keera . B) the additional place for swafoto in a waterfall seven level sumpang puli to be more attracts tourists, c) making the gate/gateway to a waterfall d the importance of ecotourism, the formation of community empowerment in the village Awo.


Community based ecotourism, Waterfall


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