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Turbo : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin
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TAPAK (Teknologi Aplikasi Konstruksi) : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Sipil
TAPAK ISSN: 2548-6209 (Electronic) & ISSN: 2089-2098 (Print) is a journal that publishes scientific articles from civil engineering disciplines, which cover the fields of study:
- Building and building materials,
- Mechanics and structural physics,
- Geotechnical engineering,
- Engineering roads and bridges,
- Engineering and urban economics,
- Construction of technology, economics and management,
- Information technology in construction,
- Fire protection, thermoinsulation and renovation of buildings,
- Labor security in construction.
Articles published in this TAPAK journal include the results of original (authentic) scientific research, and a scientific review article (review). The TAPAK Journal published by the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah Metro University for the publication of two periods a year, in May and November with articles of 14-20 per year. The editor receives civil engineering manuscripts from various Academics, Researchers and Practitioners in the field of Civil Engineering.
TAPAK ISSN: 2548-6209 (Electronic) & ISSN: 2089-2098 (Print) adalah jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel ilmiah dari disiplin ilmu teknik sipil, yang mencakup bidang studi :
- Bahan bangunan dan bangunan,
- Mekanika dan fisika struktural,
- Rekayasa geoteknik,
- Rekayasa jalan dan jembatan,
- Rekayasa dan ekonomi perkotaan,
- Konstruksi teknologi, ekonomi dan manajemen,
- Teknologi informasi dalam konstruksi,
- Proteksi kebakaran, thermoinsulation dan renovasi bangunan,
- Keamanan tenaga kerja dalam konstruksi.
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Muhammadiyah Law Review
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Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan Pusat Penelitian LPPM UM Metro, with ISSN 2541-2922 (online), ISSN 2527-8436 (Print) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Research and Education LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. This journal aims to publish quality articles dedicated to the scientific development of research and education. Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan Pusat Penelitian LPPM UM Metro is published twice a year in June and December.
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MIKROTIK: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika
MIKROTIK JOURNAL, p-ISSN: 2354-7006 dan o-ISSN 2655-5468 (online) is an information container has scientific articles in the form of research, the study of literature, ideas, application of the theory, the study of critical analysis, and Islāmic studies in the field of Faculty of Computer Science . Mikrotik : Jurnal Manajemen Informatika published twice a year, in Juli and December, published by Faculty of Computer Science University of Muhammadiyah Metro
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JIKI (Jurnal llmu Komputer & lnformatika)
JIKI (Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika) ISSN 2746-508X (media online) jurnal ilmiah dalam ilmu komputer dan Informatika yang berisi literatur ilmiah tentang studi penelitian murni, terapan dalam ilmu komputer dan Informatika, peninjauan publik terhadap perkembangan teori, metode yang terkait dengan subjek. JIKI diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung. Editor mengundang Peneliti, Praktisi, Dosen, Guru, dan Mahasiswa untuk menulis perkembangan ilmiah di bidang yang berkaitan dengan ilmu komputer dan Informatika. JIKI diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali setahun pada bulan Juli dan Desember. Jurnal ini berisi artikel penelitian dan studi ilmiah.
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Journal of Guidance and Counseling Mahammadiyah Metro University, Publish 1 Year 2 Journal in June and December. Author Guide Line (Pedoman Penulisan Jurnal) Download
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SWARNADWIPA: Jurnal Kajian Sejarah, Sosial, Budaya, dan Pembelajarannya (e-ISSN: 2580-7315) is an Open Access scientific journal published twice a year in May and November. This journal was founded in April 2017 and has become an important vehicle for exploring in-depth understanding in the fields of history, social, culture and learning. With e-ISSN 2580-7315, this journal makes a valuable contribution to the development of knowledge through quality, academically reviewed scientific articles. Starting from edition Vol 6, No 1 (2022), the SWARNADWIPA Journal will be published twice a year. This journal is published by the Department of History Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24127/sd
SWARNADWIPA: Jurnal Kajian Sejarah, Sosial, Budaya, dan Pembelajarannya, which contains articles resulting from research and scientific work within the scope of history education and historical science. The History Education Program manages the SWARNADWIPA journal Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro, which is published by the Scientific Publication Unit FKIP (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro and collaborates with the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB) Metro City, Lampung.
Article Submission FREE: 0.00 (IDR), Fast-Track Review: 150.000.00 (IDR), It should be noted that this fasttrack route still adheres to the publication ethics of this journal so that it maintains high scientific standards and maintains integrity in published research. Article Publication: 100.000.00 (IDR).
This APC is used for the reviewer, DOI, proofreading, XML, galley and editing processes. If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs. If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.
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SINAR SANG SURYA: Jurnal Pusat Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
SINAR SANG SURYA is open acces journal about a community service journal that has the role of being a scientific forum for the results of service, with registered number E-ISSN 2597-484X (online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Muhammadiyah Metro University.
Focus and Scope of the articles published in SINAR SANG SURYA: Journal of Research-based Community Service such as Community Empowerment, Asset-Based Community Development, Community-Based Research, Service Learning, Community Development. The partner community can be in the form of productive partners or non-productive partners
Journal publishing is published twice a year, in February and August.
Article Processing charges (APCs) IDR 350.000
Please read this guide carefully. Writers who wish to submit their manuscripts to the editor of Sinar Sang Surya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat must comply with the writing guidelines. If the submitted manuscripts are not in accordance with the format stipulated, then with a heavy heart, the manuscript will be REJECTED by the editor before further review. Editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the assigned format.
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At-Tajdid : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam
At-Tajdid: Jurnal pendidikan dan pemikiran islam terbit dua kali dalam setahun (edisi pertama bulan januari-juni dan edisi kedua juli-desember. oleh prodi pendidikan agama islam fakultas agama islam universitas muhammadiyah metro (p-ISSN 2549-2101, e-ISSN 2549-2101). kajian jurnal tersebut berisi aspek pemikiran dan metode pendidikan agama islam. Redaksi mendorong bagi para dosen dan akademisi untuk dapat memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran dalam bidang pendidikan agama islam. ketentuan naskah yang diterima adalah berupa laporan penelitian yang orisinil. dengan menggunakan kutipan APA. Di terbitkan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro.
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Green Sumatera: Journal of Science and Biology Education
Green Sumatera: Journal of Science and Biology Education
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Jurnal pascasarjana program studi manajemen pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. POACE: Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluation.
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