Pemanfaatan Pakan Komplit Berbasis Limbah Sawit untuk Usaha Penggemukan Sapi Kurban di Kelompok Tani Ternak Sumber Rezeki

Nurhaita Nurhaita, Neli Definiati, Rita Feni


The main problem of partnership is the difficulty of supplying green feed. Palm oil frond was the most available palm oil waste for feed utilization by partnership because partner was located in palm oil plantation area.  In addition solid CPO mills waste is also available near the locations. For optimum feed utilization, palm oil waste was to undergo particular process through fermentation with MOL (local microorganism) derivate from rument content. The objective of this activity was to introduce the processing technology of palm oil waste by fermentation to partner group. The product of this activity are fermented palm oil frond, fermented solid and mol from rument content. These community service activities are carried out using counseling, training and demonstration methods, as well as group guidance and assistance. As a result of this activity the partner group is able and skilled at processing palm fronds and solids by fermentation and can also make MOL from rumen contents to be used as a starter in fermentation.  The fermented palm waste produced is of good quality with fragrant odor characteristics such as tape, a yellowish green color that is not moldy and not slimy. Fermented palm oil waste has quite good palatability. It can be seen from the response of cattle when the new feed is served, cattle are immediately willing to consume them without the need for long adaptations. In Conclusion palm oil waste processing technology can be well accepted  and has been applied to partner groups as solution to the forage feed problem


fermentation, mol rument content, oil palm waste, kurban fattening


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